The Galante

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  1. THE GALANTE - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in the book, "Cugel's Saga," by Jack Vance, published by Underwood-Miller in 1983.

    Please note that while my original drawing is in black and white, the picture you see here is in color. I discovered this "colored" drawing on an internet website, and it made me think about all the websites throughout the internet that display artwork without obtaining permission from the artists to do so.

    In my case, I have actually been contacted by a few Website owners asking for permission to display my artwork on their websites, and some of them offered payment. But my artwork, and I'm sure it's true with the artwork of most artists, appears on websites throughout the world without our permission. However, I assume that if the owner of the website is not making a profit from displaying someone's artwork, it is not illegal and therefore there is no cause to sue. If someone knows better, let me know.

    By the way, in this picture, did you notice how precise I was in following the "golden rule" of composition? . . . What, you are not familiar with the "golden rule"? Well, the rule is a guide that helps artists put objects in a picture that is natural and comfortable to the viewing eye and mind . . .

    Before I started drawing the picture I drew a light horizontal pencil line across the paper a third of the way down from the top. Then I drew a light vertical line from top to bottom a third of the way in from the left side of the paper. Those two lines, and where they cross, form the basis for the "Golden Rule" of composition; I started the drawing by placing the waterline on the horizontal pencil line, and drew the ship and it's reflection in the water on where the two lines cross. Precisely on the cross-hairs!

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